What are some solutions to integrating technology into our classrooms?


     The first step to integrating technology into classrooms immediately would be to have our current teachers be expected to make use of the technology that they do have. These teachers should get to know this technology and embrace it by thinking creatively. One way for teachers to embrace technology could be for them to educate themselves about all of the free resources that we have out there today. Fortunately, so many of these free resources are easy to use, and all one needs is an internet connection and a browser. Another solution pointed out by Boss in her article on the subject is for current teachers to “overcome your fear of the unknown.” She suggests that teachers form small-group professional learning communities where they can collaborate and share ideas.  

     She also suggests that teachers start small. Taking baby steps in the right direction is still moving in the right direction as opposed to taking on to much and becoming overwhelmed. Another excellent point that she makes is to not be afraid of trying to learn about technology with your students. There is nothing wrong with you learning from them because after all, they are the digital natives and we are the immigrants. These children were born into this technological age and they get it. 

     On a personal level, I intend to incorporate the use of technology into my classroom as much as possible. I believe technology-based activities are a great way to implement a constructivist approach of having the students in small groups of mixed ability. I will definitely be integrating technology into the curriculum and advocating for change. Technology rich lesson plans like WebQuests, Class Blogs, PowerPoint presentations, and curriculum web pages are some of the creative ways to grab students' attention and help make school meaningful in their lives. For examples of how I intend to integrate technology into my classroom, please see the original products tab on this website.